Associated Networks

Bern Network Epilepsy Sleep Consciousness
The network consists of scientists and clinicians of the University of Bern and other institutions across Switzerland. The aim is to promote multi-disciplinary and translational knowledge exchange and collaborations among researchers and clinicians in the domain of epilepsy, sleep and consciousness.

Center for Cognition, Learning and Memory
The Center for Cognition, Learning and Memory (CCLM) is one of seven strategic research centers of the University of Bern and embraces excellent Bernese scientists from the fields of Psychology, Neurology, Psychiatry and related areas.

Clinical Neuroscience Bern
Research Groups of the Medical Faculty, the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Bern constitute the Clinical Neuroscience Bern. This interfaculty network engages in translational research in the domain of clinical neuroscience.